The Anemone blanda ‘White Splendour’ is a perennial from the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). The Anemone blanda is originally from south eastern Europe to central Asia. The common name is windflower.
The name Anemone is derived from the Greek word "anemos" which means "wind". The word "blanda" comes from the Latin word "blandus" which means "charming".
The Anemone blanda ‘White Splendour’ is a tuber. The tuber looks more like a thickened root and it is hard to tell which side is up. When in doubt you can plant it on its side. The tuber slowly grows bigger.
It is best to plant the tubers in the autumn. By soaking the tubers in a bowl of water for about 12 hours before planting, you will get a better bloom in the spring. The roots will be able to penetrate the tuber skin more easily this way. Normally, tubers and bulbs are planted at a depth of twice their size, but it is better to plant the tubers of this windflower a bit deeper. About 7 cm (3 inches) is fine.
The Anemone blanda ‘White Splendour’ tolerates clay soil and prefers a sunny to lightly shaded location with well-drained soil.
After blooming in the spring, the leaves disappear, only to re-emerge the following spring. This makes the Anemone blanda ‘White Splendour’ very suitable for planting under deciduous shrubs or between plants that emerge later in the spring, such as Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed). The windflower is also great for rock gardens. You can use the windflower as groundcover, but because the leaves disappear at the beginning of the summer, that does not seem a good option to me.
Attracts bees: no
Characteristic: newly emerging every year
Exposure: sun/part shade
Flower colour: white
Flowering time: March – April
Foliage colour: green
Fragrant flower: no
Hardiness: -30 ºC/-22 ºF
Height: 15 cm/6 inches
Soil: normal/moist