Alchemilla erythropoda is a genus from the rose family (Rosaceae)  and is native to Europe and Asia. Alchemilla erythropoda is commonly named dwarf lady’s mantle.

Alchemilla erythropoda is a bit smaller and more compact than the Alchemilla mollis. The leaves are smaller and a bit bluer and the flowers are also smaller and less vibrant. The leaves have red stems and reach a height of about 15 centimetres (6 inches). Erythropus is Latin and means red foot. The flowers appear above the mounds of foliage to about 12 centimetres (12 inches) high.

The leaves are somewhat water-repellent, causing the raindrops and dew to rest beautifully on the foliage.

Alchemilla erythropoda is self-seeding, but it is easy to remove or replant the dwarf lady’s mantle so that is not a problem at all. The dwarf lady’s mantle is clump-forming. The clumps spread slowly through rhizomes, but it is not invasive. To prevent spreading through seed, you can cut the flowers back immediately after bloom. This will prevent the seed production. You can also cut the leaves back to the ground at the same time. New leaves will form rapidly and also new flowers will develop.

The dwarf lady’s mantle is perfect as a groundcover, cut flower, along edges, in borders and in rock gardens and is salt and quite drought tolerant. The dwarf lady’s mantle tolerates sun and shadow, but prefers a moist spot in light shade.



Attracts bees: no

Characteristic: newly growing every year

Exposure: sun/part shade

Flower colour: green/yellow

Flowering time: May – June

Foliage colour: green

Fragrant flower: no

Hardiness: -25 ºC/-13 ºF

Height: 15 cm/6 inches

Soil: normal/ moist