The Rosa ‘Oranges and Lemons’ is a genus from the rose family (Rosaceae). It is a Floribunda rose or bush rose. Floribunda is Latin for many flowers. The Floribunda rose is created by crossing a polyantha rose and a hybrid tea. The result is a rose that is smaller, bushier and stiffer than a hybrid tea and less dense growing than a polyantha. The flowers of a Floribunda rose are often smaller than those of hybrid teas but are carried in larger clusters.

The lightly scented flowers of the Rosa ‘Oranges and Lemons’ are bright orange with yellow stripes at first. Later they turn to salmon pink with cream stripes. Synonyms for this rose are: Rosa ‘Papagena’ and Rosa ‘Macoranlem’.

You can keep this rose healthy by placing it in a sunny spot in moist soil. The soil has to be well-drained because it does not like wet feet. Give enough food; once in spring, once during the flowering season and once in autumn. In sandy soil extra watering and food is recommended because it flushes away faster. Keep the area around the roots free of weed.

Prune this rose every year in late winter after the frost period. Cut out dead wood and diseased or crossing stems. If the shrub is crowded cut out some old stems to keep the center open. Cut back the remaining stems to about 12 inches (30 centimeters) from the ground. Prune back less vigorous shoots more severely.

I love the beautiful flowers of the Rosa ‘Oranges and Lemons’, but the plant in general is quite weak and it does not grow very well.


Attracts bees: no

Characteristic: deciduous

Deer resistant: no

Exposure: sun

Flower color: orange

Flowering time: June – October

Foliage color: green

Fragrant flower: yes

Hardiness: 5 ºF/-15 ºC

Height: 35 inches/90 cm

Soil: normal/moist