The Alstroemeria is native to South America and is commonly named Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas. The Alstroemeria is a genus from the Alstroemeriaceae family.

Dwarf Alstroemerias with the label ‘Princess Lilies’ are developed by Dutch breeders. They are shorter and more compact growing Inca lilies that bloom for a long time and are available in a range of colors. Nowadays the name ‘Colorita’ is used instead of ‘Princess Lilies’.

Every year I have to fight off the snails and slugs. They love the dwarf Alstroemeria apparently. If I win the battle, I get beautiful flowers, but as soon as I let my guard down they eat everything.

The Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lilies’ spreads through tuberous rhizomes but is not invasive. The flowers are sterile so they will not produce seeds. The roots are very fragile which makes it hard to reposition this perennial.

The Alstroemeria is usually a very good cut flower, but since this is a dwarf Alstroemeria, the stems are too short for this. The flowers are not fragrant.

So far my Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lilies’ has survived 5 ºF (-15 ºC) without any extra protection. If you put extra mulch over the dwarf Alstroemeria during winter it should survive colder winters.

The dwarf Alstroemeria prefers a sunny spot with nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. This perennial prefers morning sun. The Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lilies’ is pretty drought tolerant.



Attracts bees: no

Characteristic: newly emerging every year

Deer resistant: yes

Exposure: sun/part shade

Flower color: various

Flowering time: June – August

Foliage color: green

Fragrant flower: no

Hardiness: 5 ºF/-15 ºC

Height: 12 inches/30 cm

Soil: normal/dry